Idaho LUG Blog

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May 2024 Meeting

Date Published: 20 May 2024 15:48

Our May meeting was focused on preparation for MOCFEST! 2024. We spent some time discussing last-minute details and preparing for the show. We put together this year's trophies and assembled the builder bags with a bunch of cool gifts for our builders. We are looking for submissions for 2025 trophy ideas, please submit your ideas as a Stud.Io file or a picture of your prototype build to Greg. The trophy needs to be fairly easy to build and try to keep the parts cost low. MOCFEST2024_Trophy

We are also looking for more ideas on builder activities as well as presentations that will be open to the public. This year we have seven activities and five presentations scheduled. We are looking to increase that number next year. Please send your ideas to

Setup will involve setting up several kids activities including a Duplo area, free build and a new graffiti wall. The main hall will also be configured to display the MOCs which will be arranged by theme. We have nearly 200 MOCs registered and we are looking forward to a great show. 

Show and Tell

LightedOctogon Lighted Octagon by Thad SpaceBase Space Base Lab NoWayHome Spider-Man No Way Home by Oliver

Landon_GauntletInfinity Gauntlet Spaceship by Landon


Displayed the Saturn IV rocket at the Village on May 12th. There will be another space-based event at the Village in June. We also have an opportunity to bring MOCs to FanX in September. More details to come!

Finally, remember that BrickSlopes is 23 - 35 August in Sandy Utah. Greg has a discount code available for LUG members.

Thanks to all the members for all your help with MOCFEST! and for working so hard to get your MOCs ready for the show. Our next meeting will be on June 20th at Bricks & Minifigs in Boise.



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