Idaho LUG Blog

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October Meeting 2024

10/18/2024 6:56:00 PM

This meeting was a time to show off our member's Halloween builds. We had many members bring out great builds.

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September 2024 Meeting

9/20/2024 8:38:36 PM

Our theme was Mystery MOCs and we had many people bring out their latest builds. We also had an opportunity for our members to purchase bulk LEGO for $5 per container.

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The Boise State University Engineering and Science Festival was a five-hour event from 10AM till 3PM on Saturday, February 3rd. The event took place in many buildings around campus. We were located in the BSU Gymnasium in front of Extra Mile Arena. 


We setup at 9AM and we had a busload of middle school kids show up about 10 minutes before the event officially started. We had a steady stream of kids and some adults that wanted to build towers. We gave away prizes for the tallest tower every hour which motivated several of the builders. Our tallest tower was 47 inches tall but it wasn't sturdy enough to pass the tip test. 

Overall we had nearly 200 towers built during the event and three people arrived to pick up their prizes. We had about ten LUG members come down and help out during the event. We also had four students from the college of engineering who helped as well. The event went very smoothly with a quick setup and tear down. Plenty of people stopped by to build or just hear about the group despite the bad weather.

There are plenty more STEM events on the calendar for this fall. Watch our Facebook page for more opportunities to help out with these events.


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Tags: LEGO,Education,STEM


Collection of information about Idaho LUG meetings and events as well as other posts from our members on various LEGO topics.

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